Mesure Expo Vision 2010
09 Jun 2015, Posted by Trade Show CI news in
Abstract: For the first time, the two former exhibitions known as Mesurexpo and Vision show were merged to give birth to the Mesurexpovision 2010 show, which took in Paris Porte de Versailles on 1st 3rd of June. This event was indeed the place-to-be for professionals specialized on measurements, tests, modeling and vision solutions. In partnership with Aste, Cetim, Collège Français de Métrologie, Réseau Mesure du Val dOise and SFP Symop, the Mesurexpovision 2010 show highlights metrology and non-destructive testing, which are well represented among industrials concerns. In terms of key facts in this event, one should notice the great improvements made in tomography and in phased array techniques, which are now applicable in industrial context.. Read more about Mesure Expo Vision 2010 in a comprehensive report.
Language: English – 57 pages • Summary – Mesure Expo Vision 2010