Mobile IT & Big Data
09 Jun 2015, Posted by Trade Show CI news in
According to the organizers, the exhibition Mobile IT and Big Data have not attracted many visitors. Big companies like Orange, SFR, Bouygues, Free for telecoms or like Intel, Dell, IBM for Big Data were absent. But the conferences on the evolution of these sectors have been very successful. In a gloomy atmosphere where visitors and exhibitors talk openly about tiny budgets for information technology, some sectors, however, were quite healthy and innovative. This was the case for equipment manufacturers and developers of next generation telephony, or web provider. There were some impressive innovations in the field of smartphones coming from a large number of young companies, specializing in mobile business solutions.
The advent of smartphones and tablets is revolutionizing enterprise mobility. Judicious use of interfaces from the video games industry brings playful applications, which allows more friendly use by customers. We talk about “gamification” phenomenon, which is about to commercially explode in the short term. Conferences on Big Data grew quite a crowd and allowed visitors to discover an emerging sector that should weigh heavily in the development of enterprises. In only 10 years, the amount of data increased exponentially. Data storage is a costly problem for businesses, but these data are relatively untapped by companies. The idea of big data is to create added value from very diverse data. People now talk about flows, exchanges, collaborations rather than storage. Nothing is sorted but everything can be found. Big Data (from 10 TB of data) is revolutionizing the infrastructure in information technology. Environments such as Hadoop provide flexibility in resources and adapt to the workload by adding inexpensive servers in parallel. Big Data has generated a turnover of $ 17 billion in 2011 and it is estimated that this figure will double by 2016. The great debate with big data is to find a balance between data transparency and privacy of citizens..
Tags : mobile, gamification, smartphone, security, big data, data scientists, hadoop, business intelligence
Langue: Français – 36 pages • Summary – Mobile IT & Big Data