
V.Suggest: How to monitor more sources ?

Information sources often disappear and others quickly emerge. Therefore, it’s important to regularly update its sourcing.

To do that, Viedoc developed and integrated into its competitive intelligence solution the V.Suggest feature.

Every time you turn on V.Suggest, the algorithm analyzes your active sources to offer between 25 and 50 new sources in relation with your sector.


V.Letter: Newsletters Competitive Intelligence

13 Jul 2015, Posted by adminviedoc in CI tools, Hot

V.Letter: You have enough to read your mailbox full or newsletters every morning?

V.letter give you the opportunity to clean up your mailbox while even monitor more newsletters revelant to your areas of activities, from the interface, and to do detailed searches.

Viedoc already have more than “44,000 “ subscriptions from around 90 topics.
You can therefore choose the «subscribe» easily from the interface to all the newsletters you already received plus others, unsubscribe or add any newsletters at a moment notice. You will not be satured with junk mail or undesired phone calls as your mail adresse is no more divulgated.


V.Track – Or how to customize your CI platform ?

09 Jul 2015, Posted by adminviedoc in CI tools, Hot

R&D, Marketing, Communication, Sales …
What if your users do not have the same interests?

V. Track allows each user to configure his personal dashboards, targeting with pinpoint accuracy his own areas of interests.

You can create unlimited dashboards based on your your favorite sources or queries using keywords,

Various sharing and diffusion features are accessible directly from the dashboards for a fast information flow within your organization.


V.Social – Your online reputation matters !

07 Jul 2015, Posted by adminviedoc in CI tools, Hot

V.Social: Are you interested to know about what could be said about your organization, your brand or your competition on social networks?

Social networks are now a wealth of information you don”t have to miss. To facilitate its monitoring, Viedoc created V.Social and integrated it to its suite of CI applications. This feature allows you to monitor Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Slideshare directly from a single monitoring platform.

You can configure up to 10 queries per network, 50 requests in total, via keywords or  the URLs of public pages. New connectors will soon support other social networks.

In case of crisis or aggressive campaign related to your products, your brand or your services, you will be able to watch, react and measure your online reputation easily.


Experience competitive intelligence differently …


Last week, Viedoc has announced the launch of its competitive intelligence platform. After several months of software development, multiple beta testing and some hard work and goodwill, Our customers can carry out, from now on, their CI activities in the new version of RSS Monitoring.

Packed with innovative features, RSS Monitoring allows to organize its competitive watch in a simple and effective way.We have introduced you this week, three of these features : V-Feed, V-Gen, and V-Search. Other features will be presented in days and weeks ahead.

Why choose RSS Monitoring ? 

We also use it.

As competitive intelligence consultants, we have developed our own tool that enables us to search, gather, and analyze information for our client studies.

We support you

We are a dedicated team to advise and assist you in the software deployment and customization with a flawless technical support.

Your user team (50 Basic users included in RSS Monitoring) will be trained for easy and optimal use. Our support ensures quick deployment and return on investment to meet your expectations.

We are committed

As consultants, we truly consider the importance of our client’s privacy and confidentiality. Ethics and discretion are strongly parts of our core values.

Contact us right now for a demo !!

Yahoo Pipes, the end…

09 Jun 2015, Posted by B.Galimand in CI tools, Hot

After Google Reader, it is the turn of Yahoo Pipes!

You probably remember… It was July 2013, after 8 years of loyal service, Google Reader disappeared. A real bolt for the small world of CI professionals. If was followed by a wave for free replacement solutions and a real hunt for finding the most suitable overall.

Well, now it’s the turn of Yahoo Pipes to forfeit. By announcing its imminent death. In fact, if you use Yahoo Pipes, be aware that it will not be possible to create Pipes after August 30. The service will shut down for good after 30 September.

Remember, Yahoo! Pipes was a web application created by Yahoo! providing users a way to combine a set of RSS feeds (among other sources) just to create a custom, combined feed. It allowed to manipulate RSS feeds via filters, or playing with a combination of rules to extract only useful information in a single rss feed.

Enough to make a serious chill to all those who advocate the use of free tools!

What’s wrong with the free tools model?

Over the years, free applications for CI have become ubiquitous on the Web. They invaded forums, CI tools mapping and lists and each had their own tutorials generated by fans.

True, there is still a real business for trainers in CI that explains how to use them and combine them to get a truly professional CI suite. Some courses offers up to 5 separate CI applications just for performing the loop – that is, from surveillance to diffusion.

Indeed, often mono task and most of the time very intuitive, these tools have the merit to exist and to be (partly) free, yet they represent a significant investment in time and more or less high learning curve for appropriation. In addition, when one of these disappear (a brick or link in your CI process) disappears, it’s your entire CI methodology and “production line” that is shattered.

And if it was time to change your habits?

To go further, we invite you to read an article in December 2013 where we give some tips for choosing the right monitoring tool:

5 advices to choose your CI tool

08 Jun 2015, Posted by adminviedoc in CI tools, Hot

Generally, before opting for a CI solution, three questions naturally spring to mind:
– What are the features offered by the tool?
– Do they fit my needs?
– And at what cost?

To help you answer these questions, many comparative benchmarks – some proposed solutions by publishers themselves – are available online. Also we shall not dwell here on these three questions.

However, sometimes these questions, paramount are hey are, yet obscure other essential elements to consider before deciding.

In addition to functionality and cost, we identified 5 other points that seem equally important to consider before choosing a Competitive Solution solution suitable to most needs:

Easy to use?
This seems obvious, but a CI tool needs to be simple and ready to use, with a smooth learning curve to be grasp bt all, not only true professional CI experts.
This is especially important when you want to give a collaborative dimension to CI inside a company, as it will facilitate and scale-up deployment and operational effectivness. As still many traditional monitoring softwares are limited by their quite steep learning curve, it will be therefore only given to a few people that have the time and skills to master these. But with the process of digitalization came the need to give access, and makes participate most employees to the CI process inside the company. Will it be possible to train hundreds or even thousands of potential users with a heavy, complicated solution ? -Surely not!
Let us not forget that a good CI tool should be designed to respect the rule of 3U, namely: Useful, usable and used.

Viedoc, always remember, as a consulting company, that it was to answer its own needs that intelligence solution was designed in the first place. As users, we want the same thing as our customers: A simple solution, quickly operational that works and save us time. !

Easy to manage?
We regularly hear users of CI solutions complaining about the complexity of settings. This tedious and unproductive process can indeed transform the most powerful software into a nightmare. The setting time should be a quantifiable element to be integrated to the overall cost, right before signing any agreement.
How many companies today find themselves trapped with their decision to retain a software that is found less appropriate years after, just to avoid losing all the investment done by spending time on complicated settings accumulated over the years and train specialists?

Quality (not quantity) of sourcing?
Because it is always relevant and reassuring to use a dedicated CI solution that fits your immediate needs, a generalist solution is reputed to be able to adapt. Most traditional solutions relies on robots to feed you, oftern with the long and complivated settings signalled above. But that does not prevent noise in your results. Only to offer a 100% qualified sourcing, Viedoc developed over the years a real expertise in this area.

Scalability and hidden costs?
Because this is the CI solution that fits your needs, your expectations, but also to the culture of your business and not the opposite, one must be attentive to possibilities for development of the solution on the long run and in more ways than one.
Will you be completely autonomous for adding users, topics, sources of information, at no additional charge?

With a range of CI solutions, we are already able to help you by offering a turnkey, but also a flexible and scalable solution, always in line with your budget, the evolutive size of your business and level of maturity on Competitive Intelligence.

Included Assistance?
Any CI solution, should obviously includes real “after sales services”.
And who better than experts on CI to advise you and assist you in using such solution !

Our team of consultants, only seasoned experts in their field, are working with many companies of all sizes, in all trades and customers include major players in the automotive industry, cosmetics, packaging, pharmaceutical …
We are thus able to provide you a tailored and flawless assistance when using a solution, and gave you an extra multidimensional approach to your level of CI (training, audit, implementation or CI structure, tailored intellectual services… )